Friday, February 15, 2008

Book Rewards Programs

I hate paying full price. I'm not cheap, I've been known to spend ridiculous amounts of money on a sushi lunch, but still I always feel challenged to be able to come up with a better deal on the items I purchase.

For books, though, I'm covered. In addition to the fabulous discounts at, for those times I just don't want to wait three days for my book, both the major book chains, Borders and Barnes and Noble, have "rewards" programs. So if you're a book-a-holic like me, you might want to consider one or the other of these programs.

Borders Rewards is my favorite because it costs nada, zip, nothing. You collect points and every time you spend $150 in a month, you get a $5 reward. The best part of the program is that every single week Borders sends you at least one coupon by email. (Often 30% off the price of a book, but the offers vary.)

Borders Rewards

Barnes & Noble, on the other hand, offers you a flat 10% off every single item you purchase, with higher discounts for hard covers and bestsellers. The annual cost is $25, which is not a bad deal either, especially since the discounts also apply at all in-store Starbucks. (Discounted ice mochas, yum!) B&N also periodically send coupons via email, but they aren't as regular as Borders.

Barnes & Noble Membership

So go forth and never pay full price for books again.

(Writing Sparks Newsletter: 2/15/08)

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