Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Do Something New Every Day

Many of the pundits suggest that a great way to become more creative is to do something new every day. While a daily novelty may be a hard schedule to keep, at least once a week try to fire up your creative juices by finding new things to do. If you're having a hard time coming up with new ideas, the Discover Fun website offers 1,200 suggestions (in 30 categories) of "Fun Things to Do." My favorite section is the spontaneous section. The part about asking people which direction to take made me think of the time my friend and I headed out on Sunset Boulevard with a video camera and told people that we were filming a movie. We just loved the responses we got when we asked them to be in our film. And I based a recent short story of mine on one of the people we met that day.

This article was posted in the April 9 issue of's Writing Sparks newsletter.

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