Friday, March 28, 2008

Keri Arthur: Publishing My First Book

Keri ArthurMy journey to publication is one of persistence. DANCING WITH THE DEVIL was the fourth book I’d written, but the first book I actually believed might have had a chance of being published. Unfortunately for me, none of the publishers I submitted to liked it. It was a paranormal romance, and written at a time when paranormal romance wasn’t the ‘it’ genre. Getting a publisher to take a chance on such a story when the author was an unknown was...

More Keri Arthur

Bill Haynes: Meet the Author

Bill HaynesMy road to the publication of THE SHAMAN AND THE ROSE was anything but average. The framework of the novel came about from two self-published titles where I explored the depths of Dante’s Inferno. Those first two books were a valuable learning experience. The most important lesson I learned was that as an author, I had a great deal to learn about publishing and writing. I discovered that working with an editor can be a godsend to any writer.

More Bill Haynes

Hailing all Taxes

Somehow another year has passed us by and it's already time to start getting our receipts in order. The tax man cometh whether or not we're ready. Writers receiving "independent contractor" income, reported on a 1099 form, should be using extra care with their record keeping. The high-cost of self-employment taxes means that you'd better be taking all the legal deductions you can.

Need extra help? Nash Black has published the book Writing as a Small Business which offers advice specifically geared towards writers.

Friday, March 14, 2008

Peter Balaskas: Meet the Author

Peter BalaskasI soon realized that they were the wrong type of competitions to enter “The Grandmaster.” They were literary competitions; “The Grandmaster” would normally be considered as a genre work. Specifically, it was a supernatural thriller. . . .

More Peter Balaskas

Publish Your Own Coffee Table Book takes self-publishing to a new level. If you're looking for a cool way to organize your photos, your blog entries, your recipes, this is a lovely and graphically easy way to put them together. You won't get a listing at, and I couldn't find any mention of an ISBN number, but if you are looking for a unique gift idea for your friends, this is a great way to go about it.